ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY INTRODUCTION AAA is committed to being an industry leader in providing a quality service in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace for our employees, whilst minimising our impact on the environment. AAA is committed towards an evolving policy of Environmental Management in which the efficient use of materials and processes brings about effective improvement between an organisation and its natural environment. Whilst at present there is no statutory duty on employers to implement an Environmental Management System, AAA operate in compliance with all relevant environmental legislation and the International Standard ISO 14001 and strive to use best sustainability practice in all we do. To enable these duties to be carried out, it is our intent to ensure that all responsibilities for environmental matters are assigned, accepted and fulfilled at all levels within our organisational structure. Our commitment towards a cleaner environment is to follow these regulations which set stringent environmental standards on pollution, safety and other environmental risk. SCOPE This policy applies to all aspects of the business of AAA, which includes private hire operations, PCV minibuses, employment and subcontracting. AAA has a direct impact on the environment through the consumption of energy and other resources used in our daily business activities and an indirect impact through the activities of our drivers and service partners. OBJECTIVE Our objective is to minimise our impact on the environment wherever possible, and to lead the industry on environmental management by raising awareness with employees and other stakeholders, proactive communication with customers and collaboration with drivers and service partners to help them improve their environmental performance. We achieve this through: 1. Ensuring that we have a robust and continually reviewed policy document that is understood by all staff and implemented as an integral part of our culture and operations. 2. Reviewing our operations to ensure that we fully implement this policy and continually seek opportunities for improvement as new products, technologies and practices allow. 3. Working as far as practicable with our clients in a responsible manner to ensure that environmental impact is fully taken into consideration during our relationship, and where appropriate suggest and devise solutions with least impact and greatest sustainability. 4. Working with and choosing suppliers who through product, locality, and practice assist us in achieving our environmental objectives. 5 | Page ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY PROCESS In practice, this means we: ü Make environmental concerns an integral part of our planning and decision‐ making process and commit sufficient resources to implement effective environmental programs. ü Comply fully with all relevant legal requirements, codes of practice and regulations. ü Identify and manage environmental risks and hazards. ü Involving customers, partners, clients, suppliers and subcontractors in the implementation of our objectives. ü Provide suitable training to enable employees to deal with their specific areas of environmental control. ü Establishing targets to measure the continuous improvement in our environmental performance and reduction of waste ü Minimise and continually reduce the use of energy and pollution in every aspect of our operations, including road fuel, heating, lighting and use of electrical equipment. ü Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible. ü Consider age of fleet to ensure the latest and most effective emission technology available, subject to cost benefit analysis. ü Minimise toxic emissions through the selection and use of our fleet and the source of its fuel requirement, with preference given to fuel‐efficientvehicles,followingcostbenefitanalysis. ü Ensure a system is in place for feeding back ‘visual’ evidence of emission problems – e.g. ‘black smoke’ from diesels. ü Drivers to check tyre pressures regularly. ü System in place for drivers to report concerns / faults with the car / PCV minibus. ü Strict compliance with service schedule content and timings. ü To raise driver awareness of environmental issues and undertake training when available and practical. ü Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the company. ü Keep external client and other meetings to a minimum, planning them as efficiently as possible utilising electronic means of communication and contact where practicable. ü Avoid the use of print and paper by using electronic communications and storage, and using smart formatting to minimise necessary print, whilst also ensuring compliance with equality duties. ü Maintain open channels of communication with our customers, employees, government agencies, public officials, the media and the public to meet their information needs in regard to energy and environmental issues. ü Seek to ensure that products and services used by the company do not use materials unnecessarily harmful to the environment, such as wood from unsustainable forests, or chemicals containing ozone depleting gases, and ensure that consumables and products used come from recycled materials or suitably certified sources, and are capable of recycling or are biodegradable. ü Carefully consider the environmental consequences before deciding to replace vehicles and equipment, especially whether they could be upgraded or refurbished or can be passed onto others 6 | Page ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY instead of being disposed of. ü Work with reputable suppliers of hardware and other electronic equipment who work under appropriate WEEE regulations for handling and disposal of redundant electronic equipment. ü Where any equipment or materials is not the direct responsibility of a supplier, to ensure that all disposal meets appropriate regulations, including recycling wherever possible. ü Source and use environmentally friendly suppliers, inks, chemicals, and other consumables in every area of our business and operations. ü Where building space is leased, rented, or shared, to actively promote the aims of this policy to landlords and other businesses where they have an impact on the total environmental footprint of our activity. SUCCESS We measure our success through: § Carrying out reviews of our operations to ensure that they are fully compliant with our environmental objectives. § Taking immediate remedial action wherever our performance can be improved. § Showing improvement and a reduction in our impact at each successive review.